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Hi, I am Jing Luo, a Software Engineer at the Machine Learning Platform team of Quora. [Resume]
I graduated with a Master’s degree in Computer Science at Yale University in May 2019, and I got my Bachelor’s degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and was a member of Zhiyuan College. I was also a LEaRN Scholar during my exchange in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore from August to December in 2016.
I am adept at coding in C++ and Python, and keen on exploring the general area of machine learning, including high-level computer vision, natural language processing and recommender systems.
Software Engineer, Machine Learning Platform, Quora
July 2019 - Now
I am in charge of feed service and counters system. Rebuilt the counter system for querying stats in C++ services, added canary deployment for feed service, implemented fallback feed, migrated HBase for feed data storage and removed deprecated feed indexes.Research Intern, Model Computing Group, Megvii (Face++)
Mentor: Xiangyu Zhang Jan 2018 - July 2018
Deployed a distributed multi-task learning platform. [Thesis]Research Intern, Visual Computing Group, Microsoft Research Asia
Mentor: Jifeng Dai Sept 2018 - Jan 2018
Optimized code and tested model performance based on different frameworks.Summer Intern, Computational Health Informatics Lab, University of Oxford
Advisor: Prof. David Clifton June 2017 - Sept 2017
Applied multi-label learning to predict drug resistance of tuberculosis. [Report (in Chinese)]
SingBiker, an Android Navigation App for Singapore. [Demo | Code]
Elema, an Online Food Ordering System. [Code]
Smart Robotic Cars for Remote Control and Maze Solving. [Demo 1 | 2]
BASIC Interpreter on ARM Cortex-M4 Board. [Code]
GLUCLSON, a toy project about image classification with MXNet Gluon models. [Code]
Experimental Unmanned Amphibious Quadrotor. [Demo]
Lab Talks
Neural Word Segmentaion Learning for Chinese. [Slides]
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications.
Image Formation | Motion and Photography | Stereo Correspondence